CHITCARE: Mobile Module

CHITCARE - Mobile Member Module

  • CHITCARE Member Module is a user-friendly and highly effective smartphone application designed for customers.
  • Each customer is provided with a unique username and password for access.
  • Upon logging in, customers can easily navigate through options like "My Chits," "My Outstanding," and "Account Copy."
  • "My Chits" displays a list of chit tickets where the customer holds membership, whether in their name or in a family member's name.
  • The "Account Copy" feature provides access to the account ledger, showcasing payment details and earned dividends. Customers can select specific groups for individual ledger views.
  • "My Outstanding" offers comprehensive information about outstanding tickets, including subscription and penalty details.
  • The application provides a banking-like experience, allowing customers to check their accounts, participate in online auctions, and make online payments.
  • Overall, CHITCARE Member Module offers customers exceptional convenience and contributes to enhancing the chitcare company's image.

CHITCARE - Mobile Business Agent Module

  • CHITCARE Directors Module for mobile provides convenient access and control for chitcare management.
  • Directors can log in using their unique credentials to access essential information.
  • The "Customers" option displays an overview of customer profiles, including the number of NPS customers, PS customers, and SF customers. This data can be viewed branch-wise and across the entire company.
  • The "Outstanding" option provides a comprehensive view of the current outstanding status across all branches or for a specific branch, categorizing it by member type.
  • The "Collection" option offers details on daily collections, both current and from the previous day, for either individual branches or all branches combined.
  • The "Bid Payable" option presents information on pending bid payable amounts, including aging details.
  • The "Investment of Vacant Chits" section provides data on the overall investment made in vacant chits.
  • CHITCARE Directors Module is an invaluable tool for management to monitor and control chit fund activities, whether they are in the office or on the go.

CHITCARE - Mobile Directors Module

  • CHITCARE Business Agent Module for mobile and tablet offers an innovative solution for business agents, making their tasks more convenient via the Chitcare app.
  • This app seamlessly integrates with the Chitcare ERP system, enabling business agents to access various features and streamline their work.
  • To use the app, business agents simply need to enter their credentials and log in.
  • The "Newly Commenced Groups" section displays newly initiated chit groups from different branches.
  • The "Collection" option offers details on daily collections, both current and from the previous day, for either individual branches or all branches combined.
  • "Vacant Chits" provides information on available chits, allowing agents to explore potential business opportunities.
  • The "New Member" option allows agents to register new members by capturing their details, including photos and signatures, akin to the account opening process in banks.
  • "Advance Receipt" facilitates the acceptance of receipts from new members in advance, with these amounts becoming permanent once members are approved and allocated to a group.
  • The app also offers appointment tracking features, enabling agents to manage their schedules effectively.
  • Overall, CHITCARE Business Agent Module empowers agents to utilize their time efficiently, boost business generation, and contributes to enhancing the image of the Chitcare Company.

CHITCARE - Collection Module with Bluetooth Printer

  • CHITCARE Collection Module on mobile offers an innovative solution for collection agents, simplifying their tasks through the Chitcare app.
  • This app seamlessly connects to the chitcare ERP system, enabling agents to access outstanding details and generate receipts.
  • Agents can even provide receipts using a convenient handheld Bluetooth printer.
  • To begin, the agent logs in by entering their credentials.
  • After login, they can utilize the "Receipt Entry" option.
  • They select the group and ticket number.
  • Choose the payment mode, whether cash or cheque.
  • Enter the receipt amount.
  • Click "SAVE" to update receipt details to the server, and it automatically prints on the Bluetooth printer.
  • Once the data is updated on the server, an SMS notification is sent to the customer regarding the receipt.
  • This user-friendly yet powerful solution saves time for both executives and administrative staff, streamlining the collection process.

Integrating WhatsApp into Chitcare Software:

Experience the Future of Communication with Chitcare's WhatsApp Integration!

Boost efficiency with Chitcare's WhatsApp integration. Contact us to explore this feature and elevate communication within your Chitcare Software.

  • Instant Messaging: Send and receive messages instantly.
  • Real-time Updates: Stay informed with notifications.
  • Client Engagement: Address concerns, send reminders, and provide updates.
  • Agent Collaboration: Coordinate with field agents seamlessly.
  • Secure and Encrypted: End-to-end encryption for data security.
  • How It Works:

  • Client Communication: Initiate direct conversations.
  • Agent Coordination: Assign tasks and collect updates.
  • Automated Alerts: Set up payment reminders.
  • Document Sharing: Share documents conveniently.
  • Interactive Menu: Create automated responses for client assistance.
  • Getting Started:

  • Integration Setup: Seamlessly integrate WhatsApp.
  • Training: Maximize the benefits with comprehensive team training.
  • Support: Dedicated team to assist with integration.
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